Food, Recipes

Gluten Free Superfood Coconut Banana Bread

In an effort to be healthy I always buy bananas, so whenever I see super ripe bananas on the counter I get a little upset at my failed attempt to make better food decisions. I will usually put the bananas in the freezer to use in a smoothie or make banana ice cream, but this time I decided to make banana bread. I kept this recipe gluten free by making my own oat flour (make sure your oats are gluten free) and added qi’a as an extra superfood feature. Qi’a is basically a mixture of chia seeds, buckwheat groats, and hemp seeds.


  • 2 cups oat flour
  • 1 ½  tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½  tsp salt
  • 4 ripe bananas
  • 1 tbs coconut oil
  • ½  cup honey
  • ¾  cup coconut flakes
  • ⅓  cup qi’a (optional)


  1. If you are making your own oat flour simply put around 3 cups of dry oats into a dry blender and blend on medium for a few minutes until the oats start to break down to a flour like consistency. If you do not have a high-power blender then I recommend blending your oats then after a few minutes putting on a sieve to collect the flour. Put the remaining oats back into the blender and repeat the process until you have two cups of oat flour.
  2. Put the oat flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a bowl and set aside.
  3. In a blender put in 4 mashed bananas, coconut oil, and honey. Blend until smooth.
  4. Put the banana mixture into the dry mixture and incorporate together.
  5. Mix in the coconut flakes and qi’a.
  6. Put the mixture into a loaf pan and bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees.

Feel free to add any other ingredients like chocolate chips or chopped nuts. Enjoy!

Spark In Bloom

Currently, I’m listening to Fleetwood Mac – Rhiannon


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