
Comic Book Review: Paper Girls

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Paper Girls Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan, Cliff Chiang, and Matt Wilson

Paper girls follows four 12-year-old paper girls and the mysterious events that happen during their paper route the morning after Halloween. The first issue up with Erin, who leads as the main protagonist of this story, as she is saved by three other paper girls (KJ, Mac, and Tiffany) from teenage boys that are up to no good. The girls decide to stick together for the rest of their paper route; however, an unexplained event causes mysterious events to occur that somehow leads to certain people vanishing. As the girls try to get to safety they come across stragglers, having to decide who is trust worthy and who is not. The story is absolutely addicting and is often left with cliff-hangers between issues.

The majority of the colors in this comic are blues, purples, and grays as the events take place before sunrise. Despite a darker color scheme many of the images are offset with bright accent colors. My favorite art pieces come from some of the one and two-page spreads because it allows the reader to really digest the artwork. Below are non-spoiler images that you are throughout issues 1-5.

The main characters are 12-year old girls, so the language in this comic is very easy to follow. As a warning, there are profanities throughout the issues, especially from bad gal Mac, so if that is something that you are trying to avoid then proceed with caution as this is not suitable for younger audiences.

This comic is absolutely unexpected. I don’t remember what I originally though this comic was going to be like, but what I do know is that the actual story is absolutely not what I could have ever imagined.Luckily the story does not end at issue #5. I am absolutely looking forward to the continuation of this series and the release of issue #6 in June 2016.

overall rating of issues 1-5: 4.5/5.0 


June’s comic will be Ms. Marvel Vol. 1 (Issues 1 – 11). Read along with me and stay tuned for my review next month.

